Data Community Austria June Meetup

It’s time for another Data Community meetup. Joins us next Wednesday, 21.06.2023 at 16:00 for two great sessions on Microsoft SQL Server topics:

  • Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services: Custom Data Flow Components
  • SQL Server Performance Tuning: Memory Grant in Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services: Custom Data Flow Components

SQL Server Integration Services provide you with a set of Data Flow components that implement the most common operations in data extraction, transformation, and integration. If your specific situation calls for a solution that is not provided natively, you can also use the Script Component to embed your custom logic in the given SSIS package. However, in order to use such customizations in more than one package, it is recommended to design Custom Components instead.

In this session you will learn how to leverage the functionalities provided in the managed Data Flow Pipeline assemblies to design a custom data flow component that behaves as if it was one of the natively provided ones.

More specifically, you will learn how to implement Regular Expressions in an SSIS data flow to extract additional data from one or more columns in the pipeline and place it back into the pipeline as additional columns.

presented by Matija Lah, Information Technology and Services Consultant, owner @ Mi Lambda

SQL Server performance tuning: Memory Grant in Microsoft SQL Server

When SQL Server executes a query, memory is required to store temporary data while rows are sorted or joined. Therefore, an effective memory management is crucial for performant queries. The memory grant is controlled by the resource semaphore to avoid that a query monopolizes the whole memory for itself and thus all other queries must wait for their memory allocation.

In this session, we will cover the different memory grants and its DOP and server memory dependency, the impact of the resource governor, spilling into tempdb as a result of missing memory, and finally the functionality of the memory grant feedback feature, which was introduced in SQL Server 2019. Thereby, we will also learn how to identify and optimize memory intensive queries to increase overall throughput.

presented by Torsten Strauß, Microsoft MVP, database engineer @ BP

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Veröffentlicht von mpoeckl

Technology Specialist for Data Platform and Business Intelligence @ Microsoft Austria

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